Hi, it's more a maintenance release, no new features (except "-q||--quiet" for ipv6logconf & ipv6logstats) are added. Also, first version of man pages are added to the tar ball now (credits to Matanuki at goudge dot org for contribution). In addition, the homepage is now available in LyX and SGML format in directory "doc". The RPM specfile was reviewed and now take care about the additional docs and examples. IPv4 database got also an update. Note: for manual building, you should took care about the new used configure options: --bindir=/usr/bin (@bindir@) --mandir=/usr/share/man (@mandir@) See ChangeLog for more: <http://cvs.deepspace6.net/view/ipv6calc/ChangeLog.diff?r1=1.80%3Arelease_0 _47&tr1=&r2=1.76%3Arelease_0_46&tr2=&diff_format=u> Hope this helps, Peter -- Dr. Peter Bieringer http://www.bieringer.de/pb/ GPG/PGP Key 0x958F422D mailto: pb at bieringer dot de Deep Space 6 Co-Founder and Core Member http://www.deepspace6.net/