Hi again, qm wrote:
ipv6calc BUG: --printuppercase doesn't work. It is documented to work in version 0.45 and 0.50, but it does not work. --uppercase (the old option?), however, does. Proof:
Fixed, online help was wrong, only --{upper|lower}case is supported.
I also have a feature request: shorter options. Each option could be given a short one letter abbreviation, such as -i for --in, -o for --out, -6 for --ipv6addr, -U for --printuppercase, -u for --printuncompressed, and -f for --printfulluncompressed, so the above command would become ipv6calc -qo6fU 'Itq!EN%BS(OvEV3?2kP!'. ( -qo6fUi8 would be -q --out ipv6addr --fulluncompressed --printuppercase --in base85, and likewise -qi8o6fU would be -q --in base85 --out ipv6addr --printfulluncompressd --printuppercase.)
Some are now implemented: --in|-I --out|-O --action|-A --printcompressed|-C --printuncompressed|-U --printfulluncompressed|-F "-i" was already used for "showinfo" BTW: what do you mean with: -6 for --ipv6addr "--ipv6addr" is currently not supported at all. Do you mean to implement a shortcut for "-I ipv6addr"? Note because of autodetection on input it's normally not necessary to specify "-I <format>" at all. Would you please test latest version from CVS? Thank you very much! Hope this helps, Peter