8 Mar
8 Mar
6:49 a.m.
Hi, master branch updated some minutes ago: https://github.com/pbiering/ipv6calc new features: - IP address anonymization option "keep-type-geonameid" (instead of keep-type-asn-countrycode) - Ability to log also GeonameID via mod_ipv6calc to Apache Log - create replacement for "geoiplookup[6]" to retrieve country code of IP address (using available DBs, not only GeoIP "legacy", where updates are no longer public available) ipv6calc -q --addr2cc US ipv6calc -q --addr2cc 2001:a61:0102:0304:0506:0607:090a:0b0c DE (e.g. to be used "ipfilter.sh" for restricting services access via /etc/hosts.allow) Release can be expected in the next days/weeks. Happy testing. Regards, Peter