Hi, new version 0.97.0 was released today. This version is a bugfix and internal improvements release. Bugfixes: - RFC1886 printout (reverse nibbles): mask prefix only in case of no printsuffix,printstart,printend - data retrievements from anonymized IPv4/IPv6 fixed for some uncaught cases - Add missing support for machinereadable output for IPv6 addresses (format flag allowed, but was not supported) - ipv6logstats: add support for AFRINIC, change major output version to 4 - ipv6logconv: add support of anonymized addresses - ipv6logstats: improve support of anonymized addresses - ipv6logstats: add output version column in column format Package and signature files can be found here: ftp://ftp.bieringer.de/pub/linux/IPv6/ipv6calc/ ftp://ftp.deepspace6.net/pub/ds6/sources/ipv6calc/ Packages are signed with GPG/PGP key, available here: ftp://ftp.bieringer.de/pub/linux/IPv6/ipv6calc/CODE-GPG-KEY-bieringer.de-2013 Key fingerprint: AAB3 8CB7 97C7 50C7 78C6 08C6 DDEB 141D F738 0F61 uid: Peter Bieringer (Code Signing Key 2013) <code@bieringer.de> Have fun! Peter